Your generosity helps us reach communities with the tangible expression of Jesus. Donations may be made:
ONLINE: By using our DONATION PAGE, you can easily designate your gifts for certain causes and set up automated monthly giving.
TEXT TO GIVE: Text the amount you would like to donate to 805-422-7348, 805-4CARE48
BY MAIL: Send checks to SCA, P.O. Box 925308, Houston TX 77292
APPS & CRYPTOCURRENCY: CLICK HERE for links and details.
SCA can sometimes receive certain material donations, such as bulk non-perishable food items, medical supplies, etc., especially during times of disaster relief. If you have goods you would like to donate, please contact our office at 713.621.1498.
To volunteer or bring a team to serve in a disaster relief situation, call our office at 713.621.1498 or contact our volunteer coordinator by email, [email protected].
Our chapters have various volunteer needs throughout the year. Visit our CHAPTERS & CENTERS page to find out if there is a chapter near you.
We also offer opportunities to serve through prayer. CLICK HERE for more information.