Dear Friends & Partners in Ministry,

It was 40 years ago, while I was in the fitness business, that I had an encounter with God that changed the trajectory of my life. And what a journey the Lord had in store for me!

I am both honored and humbled at all the Lord has allowed me to do personally, but even more so because of the lives that have been impacted and changed throughout the history of the ministry. Soon after that encounter, we would see the birth of what became Turning Point Ministries Inc. (then later became Turning Point Ministries International), and a few years later we would see the development of Somebody Cares America/
International, with affiliates, partners, chapters, and centers across the nation 
and around the world. So much has been accomplished, yet so much remains to be done.

One couple, who has been part of our ministry for many years, has offered a $40,000 matching challenge gift in honor of the anniversary of my 40 years of serving in ministry. Like many of you, they believe in the work of Somebody Cares because they have personally benefitted from the growth in their own spiritual walk and they have witnessed transformation in the lives of others, as well. They titled their challenge gift, “40 for 40.”

As you may know, the number 40 in the Bible often signifies a period of testing or being tried. After 40 years in the wilderness, the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land. After 40 days of fasting and temptation, Jesus entered into the fullness of His ministry. And while I have seen God work in and through the ministries these last 40 years, I believe He has positioned us for even greater things in the days ahead. In the midst of the global challenges facing the world and the Church today, we sense our nation and the world are on the verge of a mighty outpouring and harvest. God is positioning us for a new wave of evangelism and discipleship—all founded on prayer, clothed in compassion, reaching out in times of crises and disaster, while we train and lift up other leaders to do the same.

In order to do that, I believe God wants to multiply this matching challenge gift into a double or even triple portion of blessing for each ministry I steward by October 2021. If we are to expand our reach to a world in need with the message of God’s grace and redemption, we also need an expansion of resources. God has recently brought to our attention Isaiah 61:7, which promises a double portion inheritance. This double portion is given so God can be glorified through His people.

Will you prayerfully consider what part God is asking you to play in meeting this double portion challenge?

As I often say, obedience is the highest form of worship. Whether God asks you to give a large or small amount, or simply to pray, we know God will honor the obedience of your heart in ways you cannot measure.

To join the matching challenge with a gift to SCA, make your donation HERE.

Thank you for caring!

Doug Stringer