The Way to Help a City is to Love it (Episode 186)
Our Guests: Jenny and Brian Taylor
In August 2002, Somebody Cares Founder, Jenny Taylor and her husband Brian, attended a presentation by Doug Stringer, founder of Somebody Cares America/ International. Recognizing her own desire to offer help to those in need in Aberdeen, Jenny was touched by the care, work, ethos, and values of Somebody Cares America / Int’l. Keen to replicate their model within Aberdeen, Somebody Cares Scotland was born. Starting small, they rented a store in Wellington Street, rented a van and along with a single volunteer Jenny began to collect donated furniture and food to redistribute it to those in need with the city. From these simple beginnings, care, empathy and hope for the future was demonstrated within Aberdeen.
Scriptures and Key Points:
- “It’s the same God that’s in Aberdeen as there is in Columbia. It’s the same Holy Spirit whose power is not limited. It’s the same Savior whose heart is that everybody in our city would get saved as is happening in places like Columbia.”- Brian Taylor to his local churches after visiting Columbia to see the revival taking place there
- “I want you to bring an army into Aberdeen.”
- “If people needed furniture, we furnished their homes. If they needed clothes, we clothed them. If they needed food, we provided food.”
- “We’ll never charge people to help them.”
- “God is so good. God is so gracious. He didn’t just give us a building; He gave us an incredible building.”
“Revival is neither more nor less than the impact of the personality of Jesus Christ upon a church, (city), or a community.” – Duncan Campbell
- “We pray that through what we do people will ask us, ‘Why do you do it?’ and we can tell them that it’s really God’s love that has done this.”
- Everything is done with empathy and giving dignity back to those who have lost so much.
- “At the end of the day, we’re here to support each other. We can grow as a family.”
- “What do we do to reach the city?”
- “I don’t want you to evangelize the city. I want you to love it.”
- You don’t need to know how to evangelize, just love on people and trust the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 1 NKJV …Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows…
- If we will meet the needs and touch the heart of God, it opens people’s minds to open their hearts to receive the message of the Good News of the Gospel.
- We need tangible expressions of Christ.
- “The Word of God tells us about the law of sowing and reaping. That we will reap what we sow. What we enjoy today is the consequence of what we sowed in the past.”
- These are days of opportunity.
- If you want to see God moving, you’ll find Him when you step out of the boat.
- God can do anything. He has the plan and it’s an incredible plan.
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