Back to school events bless families
Monica showed up at a back to school event with her three children to get backpacks and school supplies at at The Church on Masters Road, one of our partners. As volunteers talked with her, she confided through tears that she was scared to send her children back to school. Monica was grateful for the help for her children and deeply moved by the prayers she received in the prayer tent. In the midst of her fear, Monica saw the love of Jesus, as her protection and hope. All in all, 1200 children left the event on Saturday better prepared to start the school year.
Across town, Pneuma Church also partnered with Somebody Cares for a Back-to-School outreach. Upon arriving, families received a warm welcome as 150 children picked up backpacks, school supplies, clothes, and groceries. Some of the parents came with tears of gratitude, thanking the team for their generosity. Also, Doug Stringer and his daughter, Ashley, encouraged them with the hope of Christ before they headed out.
“The families were so grateful”
Additionally, SCA sent shoes, t-shirts, and Somebody Cares bears to Bethel Mission Outreach Center in Roma, Texas. “The families in Roma were so grateful for your generosity and even more touched that someone who doesn’t know them cares about them!” said Kristi Wall, who helped coordinate the outreach event. “We brought nearly 100 pairs of shoes and outfitted every child who came out for the event! Thank you for sowing into the lives of these families! We pray that these shoes carry each child into a blessed and successful school year and that every child who wears them is covered and protected in Jesus name!”
Over the next few weeks, we are partnering with 12 more organizations to be a tangible expression of God’s love. They will also receive backpacks, school supplies, and in some cases clothing and/or shoes. These children are in foster care, in homeless shelters, Afghan and Ukrainian refugees, and in struggling families. And across the country, Somebody Cares Chapters, Centers, and ministry partners are doing the same.
Above all, please pray with us for the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional safety of children across the nation as they had back to school!
Thank you for caring!