Thousands of people viewed the recent holiday movie release, The Nativity Story, which beautifully depicts the biblically documented events leading to the birth of Jesus. A few years ago, movie-goers watched a portrayal of Christ’s crucifixion in The Passion of the Christ. But what happened between the manger and the cross? Why was this child born to die, and what does it all mean to us today?
Before the close of Nativity, the magi from the east bow before the newborn baby Jesus to present their gifts: “Gold for the King of kings; frankincense for the Priest of priests; and myrrh, to honor your sacrifice.” Doug Stringer’s latest book, Born to Die…that we may live, picks up where Nativity leaves off and fills in the gaps all the way to The Passion—the crucifixion and the resurrection—by explaining how Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, fulfilled every minute detail of each Levitical sacrifice. Through an eye-opening, insightful examination of these sacrifices, Born to Die unveils a beautiful portrait of our Savior and His amazing love—a love that led Him all the way to Calvary—while challenging the reader, in practical every-day life, to become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.
- “Dr. Doug Stringer has skillfully reminded us of those truths the apostles and early church fathers clearly understood and fervently taught, that ‘in the old covenant the new was concealed, and in the new covenant, the old is revealed,’” says Dr. Charles Travis, president of Logos University.
- Dr. Randall Pannell, Associate Vice President of Regent University, says, “This particular book gives insight into many of the principles that have motivated Doug to go where others were not willing to go.”
Others have said:
- “Doug has done a phenomenal job in unpacking the work that Jesus Christ did for us. Born to Die is a composite of both the Old and New Testaments knit together to form a wonderful tapestry of all that Jesus Christ did for us through His life, death, and resurrection.”
- “This work has driven me to have a greater passion for understanding the foreshadowing of the Old Testament for today’s living. This book, unlike most, will be a timeless piece of literature that should be on every Christian’s shelf.”
- Doug has the ability to take what is not seen as simple and make it easy to understand.”
In Born to Die, Stringer masterfully imparts a passion to know and to love the Word of God as it reveals the very one who is the treasure embedded within and entwined throughout every word, chapter, and page of the Bible, which is Christ Himself. Available with a free “sample talking points,” Born to Die is the perfect lead-in from Christmas to Easter for personal study time or group studies.
“My prayerful desire and hope,” Stringer says, “is for every reader to experience a fresh revelation of the work of the cross and the power of the resurrection so they can walk in the fullness and fruitfulness of God’s plan for their life.”
Born to Die will be introduced by Bridge-Logos at the January meeting of the Christian Booksellers Association, but a pre-release edition is currently available directly from the author. For ordering information, please call 713-621-1498 or visit
Doug Stringer is founder and president of Turning Point Ministries International and Somebody Cares America/International. Stringer has previously authored the books It’s Time to Cross the Jordan, The Fatherless Generation, and Somebody Cares. Another book, Who’s Your Daddy Now? will be released in early spring.
For author interviews or book-signings, please call 713-621-1498 or email [email protected]. For background information on Doug Stringer, please visit
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