Somebody Cares continues to meet needs created by the destruction of Hurricane Laura in Southeast Texas and parts of Louisiana.
In Newton County, Texas, we were able to provide generators for SC Jasper-Newton to distribute to the elderly and others in need. One of those people was Sean, a single dad with no insurance whose home was severely damaged by several trees that fell on the roof above his daughters’ bedrooms. We provided a large tarp for his roof while he waits for help with repairs. Sean owns a small gas station in Bon Wier and, even in the midst of his own need, has been providing fuel for others to keep their generators running. “He has been a huge asset to the community and helped many others through this time,” says Sue Downing from SCJN.
Gayle, also from Newton County, was living in a travel trailer with a two-year-old. A tree landed in the middle of the trailer, but she had no where else to go. Even as she faced these problems, she was working at a restaurant and cooking daily for utility linemen. Somebody Cares provided a generator for Gayle along with tarps to keep the rain out. “I am so thankful to all of you,” she said. “You provided me with tarps, a generator, and even fuel to run the generator. I do not know what I would have done without ya’ll. I feel so blessed…”
In Sulphur, Louisiana, our Somebody Cares team based at Celebration Worship Center has now distributed over 11,000 hot meals and has helped over 1,200 families with donations of water, food, cleaning supplies, diapers, and other badly needed items. And in Lake Charles, Louisiana, teams are coming in daily from Harvest for Lost Souls in Beaumont—one of our SC Southeast Texas partners—to provide manpower and supplies for local residents, along with relief partner Starlight Ministries and Living Word Christian Center.
“Somebody Cares comes alongside churches in time of disaster and helps empower them to serve their communities,” says Mark Roye from SC San Antonio, who is also leading the outreach in Sulphur. “Meals have been served, thousands of pounds of aid have been distributed, but the greatest thing we can give is hope—reminding people there is a God who cares and is forever near the broken hearted.”
Your giving today can help us continue providing hope in very real and tangible ways:
• $500 can help transport a truckload of relief supplies to impacted communities
• $400 can provide a generator to a senior
• $250 can aid 10 families with gift cards to purchase gas, medicine, diapers, or other essentials
• $125 can fuel a generator for a week
• $45 can supply a tarp for someone’s roof
• $30 can provide 10 hot meals to residents and responders
Any amount will help!
We thank each of our partners and each person who has donated toward these efforts, with special thanks to: Midwest Food Bank; Mercury One; Crisis Response International; Ally Force; BloodNFire Muncie; Kiolbasa Meats; Holy Smoke BBQ; Hands In Service; Resurrection Life Ministries; Texas Business Theatre; Harris County Sheriff’s Homeless Division; Kroger’s of Houston; Foursquare Relief; Assemblies of God; PRC Compassion; Starlight Relief; Strike Oil and Gas; our Somebody Cares chapters; churches across the region; and many, many others.
Thank you for caring!