Somebody Cares for Japan continues to assist the Japanese in relief efforts, bringing encouragement and hope in the aftermath the earthquakes and tsunami. Knowing that disaster victims need physical, emotional and spiritual care, Jodie Chiricosta and Lisa Stringer returned this week from Japan, partnering once again with Victim Relief Ministries. Their goal was to provide holistic care in communities hit by the earthquake and tsunami.
“Their goal was to provide holistic care in communities hit by the earthquake and tsunami.”
While there they provided training to Japanese leaders in the critical area of trauma counseling so hope is offered to those experiencing the grief of tremendous loss.
The team also underwrote the provision of fresh vegetables for entire communities of evacuees in the disaster zone; supported needs identified by local pastors in communities hit by the tsunami; gave shovels, brooms and rain suits to the Yamada government office for clean-up; and delivered toys to children at a living in a shelter in Miyako.
“Your teams are incredible both from SC International and SC Japan,” said Edward Smith from Victim Relief Ministries at the conclusion of the trip. “I thank you for allowing Victim Relief Ministries to partner with SCI and the coalition. It is a blessing and a joy to serve alongside believers from SCI and in the local churches of Japan.”
“Japan has a long hard road to recovery,” said Jodie. “We connected with some churches who are doing good work, but with only 1% of the population of the nation being Christian, they are a small band doing much!” In addition to continuing support through donations and other resources, Somebody Cares hopes to send teams this summer to help so that we can see Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, experience The Hope of Glory in the Risen SON…through the tangible expressions of Christ’s love through His Caring people.
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If you would like to send a team for relief, please email Vickie [at]
Thank you for all the great work your doing in Japan. We love the Japanese People