Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me.”
I gave my life to Jesus when my was six years old. We had just returned to the States from an overseas assignment and moved to Tampa. That is where another fighter pilot and his family from my Dad’s squadron in England has been sent to recover from a near fatal plane crash. Then Air Force Captain Kris Mineau (now a retired Colonel), met Christ while in a hospital room. As soon as he was released, he and his wife started sharing the Good News with my parents, sister, brother, and me!
The change in Mineaus’ lives were so remarkable that my Mom and Dad knew what they said was real. They made the decision to follow Christ too, as did my sister and brother. And when Lura, Kris’s wife, explained the Gospel to me, God gave me faith to believe as well! I still remember kneeling by the sofa and giving my life to the Lord. Within a few short months, we were also introduced to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Lord blessed each of us with a prayer language that still empowers my prayer life today!
As a family, we pursued God together. My parents led the way with daily devotions and Bible reading as a family. We went to hear every good Bible teacher we could. There were no children’s programs offered, so I sat there with the adults. And I learned! The Holy Spirit taught me, event at a young age, some of the fundamentals of my faith. I saw God set people free from demonic oppression. I saw Him physically heal others. And I experienced divine healing myself (I’ll tell those stories in a future BLOG). I came to Jesus, and He began making Himself known to me. It was the start of a beautiful relationship with the God I love!
By Jodie Chiricosta
Host, Her God Story