A team of 23 volunteers from five churches made the trek from Haverhill, Mass., to the Muscogee Nation in Oklahoma for an outreach coordinated by Somebody Cares New England, the week of July 20-26. From three nights of tent meetings to water baptisms to a huge Saturday afternoon community outreach, they partnered with the local church to bless the region.
‘It was amazing!” said SCNE Director Marlene Yeo. “Three nights of tent revival with First Nations pastors preaching and the Saturday block party with food, prizes, waterslide and inflatables, giveaways, and water baptisms!”
Marlene organized the first trip to Muscogee Nation in 201, with only five volunteers joining her, after the Lord gave her a burden for the First Nations people during a time of intercession. She connected with a friend, Chief Nigel Bigpond, who told her: “There is great suffering among our young people with suicide and drug/alcohol abuse. Our families are suffering from ancient wounds and live in extreme poverty and distress.
In previous years, SC New England received a tractor trailer of supplies for the block party, but that source is no longer available. “Up until one week before the event, we had no groceries or household goods for the block party give-aways.” The Somebody Cares America office connected them with ministry partner, Grace of Giving, which brought all the items they needed not only for the outreach but enough to equip the church for ministry until Christmas!
“We were overjoyed when they arrived! When the trailer pulled in, we lined up along the long driveway, cheering and praising God for the blessing,” Marlene recalls. “Thank you, SCA! We are so grateful!”