The Russian invasion is bigger than Russia and Ukraine.  What Christians Must Do Now with Jim Garlow and Fred Markert 

Scriptures and Key Points relating to Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine

Our Guests: Jim Garlow and Fred Markert

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Dr. Jim Garlow is the Senior Pastor at Skyline Church in San Diego, California and is heard daily on over 800 radio outlets in his one-minute commentary, The Garlow Perspective. He has done over 900 radio, TV and print interviews, national and local, covering a wide-range of historical, theological, and political topics. In 2013, Jim Garlow became the radio spokesperson for Alliance Defending Freedom as part of The Garlow Perspective broadcast commentary. Alliance Defending Freedom is a non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith. Learn more at Well Versed World website.

Fred Markert is the Lead Catalyst for The Great Awakening Project, which is working for Revival in the American Church which leads to Awakening in American Society. He has been a missionary for 49 years and has ministered in approximately 150 countries. Fred can be reached at

Luke 21:13 NKJV But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.

Putin’s Reasons for Russia’s War on the Ukraine:

  1. It’s a war not against the Ukraine, but against the West.
  2. Putin wants to have secure borders.
    • They want to control their border states as a buffer to keep from being invaded.
  3. Ukraine is a developing democracy.
    • The last thing he needs is a thriving democracy on his border which shows up the poverty of his autocratic system.

Why it’s important for Putin and Russia:

  • To change the liberal democratic world order to a dictatorial autocratic system
    1. When that shift happens globally, the Church always declines.
    2. Russia’s war in the Ukraine is about the future of the Church for the next 100 to 300 years.


  • The one to respond properly in Church history was Rees Howells, intercessor.
    • He interceded and pastored the world from a multi-polar system.
    • He prayed through World War 1, World War 2, and even prayed through specific battles as they were happening.
  • We are at the same point.
    • We need to pastor the world as it’s being threatened to be moved from the Christian based world order to demonic secular humanist world order.
  • The moral decay of the West has given us lack of confidence to stand boldly for biblical principles.
  • The Five Biblical Principles of Freedom:
    • Thought
    • Speech
    • Religion
    • Economics
    • Assembly
  • We’re fighting for moral certainty so we can fight for those values.

Matthew 9:17 NKJV Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.

  • All effort to reform or transform an institution is wasted effort.
  • An institution has a life and power of its own.
  • We need brand-new institutions in every realm based on Judeo-Christian ethics.
  • The Church is called to be the institution builder.
  • Long-term strategy: Build our own institutions
  • Short-term strategy: spiritual warfare, fasting, humanitarian aid, military support for Ukraine
  • Intercessory prayer is about much more than handing a list of requests to God.
  • If we want earth-shattering results, it’s praying until something happens.
  • Change comes by choice, circumstance, or consequence.

“God doesn’t answer prayer. He answers desperate prayer.” – Leonard Ravenhill

  • In order for there to be deep change, we need revolutionary change in the Church and in our country.

Three Things Necessary for Deep Change:

  1. A Sense of Urgency
  2. A Sense of Uncertainty
  3. A Sense of Vulnerability
  • When those line up, it motivates people for deep change.
  • The global growth of the Church is at stake.
  • First, we must appeal to people’s selfishness to get their attention.
  • Once we have that attention, we can switch it to Godly motivation.

“Revival is no more a miracle than a crop of wheat.” – Charles Finney

  • Our long-term plans can negate those moments where God is trying to get us to move in the midst of an opportunity.
  • The Church can gain moral capital and relational equity through our acts of compassion.
  • We need to work with the local churches that will be there for the long-term.
  • There is a spiritual openness in the midst of the crisis.
  • There is an urgency in this moment.
  • We need to think with hyper-urgency and long-term.
  • We’re in a battle for the soul of the world.


Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb

Opportunity Leadership by Roger Parrott

Related Information:

Chamberlain and Czechoslovakia

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