July 30, 2012
The single-parent mom looks on the shelf and it is bare; an elderly couple opens the refrigerator to find it empty and the young family who live from pay-to-paycheck have something in common. They have a need and we’re letting them know that Somebody Cares
When Doug Stringer was contacted by David Barton of Wallbuilders on behalf of Mercury One, he was asked if there was a way to connect with various communities for a national food distribution. Because of the Somebody Cares network, 11 additional partner organizations became the recipients!
From the East to West Coasts, from a Native-American community to the inner-cities of America we were happy to facilitate connecting our partners. Among these are Jim Esposito of the New York City Resource Center, John Murphy of Harvest Time International in Orlando, Pastor Jason Tourville of Philadelphia, Dorothy Moore of Reconciliation Outreach in Dallas, YWAM in New Orleans, Pastor Robert Tso of Victory Outreach Church, Navajo Nation in New Mexico and the Children’s Hunger Fund, and others. These locations and ministries serve as the sites of distribution for their communities. Thousands of individuals and families will be the recipients as a result. Thus empowering the local ministries and increasing their capacity as they serve their cities.
This morning, a semi-truck load of food arrived in Houston, Texas, the headquarter city for Somebody Cares America. As the Operation Blessing International truck rolled up to the warehouse of long-time Somebody Cares partner, Gordon Berg of Action Ministries, volunteers began to unload 28 pallets of food including Cereal, Apple Juice, Beans, Rice and Vegetables. Nine Houston-area partner organizations will provide several thousand meals. At-risk youth, struggling families, and senior citizens will receive the non-perishable food as it is distributed through the ministries that serve them throughout the year.
We are grateful to Mercury One for procuring & providing the food and to Operation Blessing International for providing the transportation to the many cities we were able to connect on-ground. This is the compassion coalition of ministries at work. The Somebody Cares America network is likened to an unseen thread empowering and equipping our partners for increased effectiveness and impact. Together we are sending a resounding message to the broken, hurting and those in need that they are cared for, loved and not forgotten. Not only in times of crisis or disaster, though that is essential – but 24/7, through Somebody Cares chapters, centers and partner organizations we provide a tangible expression of God’s love to our communities.
For more information, please contact us by email at
[email protected]. Thank you for caring!