On September 26th, over 600 volunteers, from 26 churches and organizations across St. Augustine, FL came together for CareFest 2009. Fourteen different denominations united to be the Church of St. Augustine. Motivated to share the love of Christ in a tangible way, volunteers fanned out across the city to work on pre-determined projects. They served at four public schools, the Homeless Coalition, the Council on Aging, the St. Gerard Campus, and the Christian Service Center and at over 40 private homes. There were repair projects, building projects, painting projects, lawn projects, and even “Prayer Repair Teams” to minister to the spirit of those we served.
When Somebody Cares St. Augustine was established just a few years ago, the dream was to unite God’s people to be a tangible expression of God’s love to the community. The tens of thousands of dollars in goods and services provided to the disadvantaged in St. Augustine during CareFest is a testimony of God’s faithfulness in making that a reality!
Thank all those who served, individually sacrificing to enable caring on a citywide scale! Your willingness to be used by God to bless others is a powerful gift. We also thank the churches and organizations who participated as well as the sponsors who faithfully gave in the midst of a struggling economy.
CareFest is also held each year by Somebody Cares Tampa Bay.