Our staff has reviewed all of our posts from “A Word in Season with Doug Stringer and Friends” and selected the podcasts below as the Top 10 Podcasts of 2021! Listen now and be equipped, challenged, and encouraged as we journey together into 2022!
#10. Esther: A Prophetic Picture
How will you answer when the King summons you? Through this story of a flawed king and his queens, God reveals how He yearns for His people, His bride, to come into His presence.
#9. Empowering a Prophetic Generation
God is raising up a prophetic generation full of vision and passion! But to come into their fullness, this generation cannot run alone. They need modern-day Samuels and Elisha, with prophetic insight, who can both illuminate the Word of God and interpret the present times. In this episode, you will learn powerful principles for empowering the emerging generation, our sons and daughters.
#8. Life: By Default or Design?
Are you living life by God’s design, or by default? As a young man God arrested the attention of Bishop Dale Bronner. Serving God in both business and ministry contexts has given him unique insights that will inspire and equip you to fulfill God’s purpose, wherever you are! In this conversation between Doug Stringer and Bishop Bronner, you will experience how revelation produces revolution in us!
#7. Your Life Matters Greatly: Here’s How to Make the Most of It
When we stand before God’s throne we all want to hear, “Well done, My good and faithful servant!” But what will that take? What should our lives look like after we have prayed the prayer of salvation? Listen as Doug and Ken Harrison–former LAPD officer, businessman, and now Chairman/CEO of Promise Keepers–share from personal experience and Scripture how to live a life that matters for the Kingdom of God!
#6. Be Aware of the Invisible Kingdom
Jesus modelled taking the long view. This means looking beyond the temporal and seeing God is already in the future. Guest Glenn Burris explains that we are often distracted and dragged down by the visible world. We need to fight to see the invisible Kingdom where real life is. Join his conversation with Doug and learn to make decisions and plant seeds that will live beyond the present!
#5. Navigating Through Trials and Success for Lasting Impact
Our values and our purpose guide our thinking and actions, determining how we approach relationships, change, and the challenges we face. The more power and influence we have, the greater the stakes. Learn how to navigate through our cultural minefield for God’s glory as you listen to this candid conversation, a part of our Transforming Leadership series, between Doug and Dr. A.R. Bernard, Founding Senior Pastor of Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, New York.
#4. Focus On Your Mindset
Is this happening TO me or FOR me? Join Doug Stringer and guest, Dr. Angie Richey, as they reveal how faith allows us to turn crisis into opportunity. Hear how focusing on your psychology and response changes everything! As you listen, allow God to turn sorrow, doubts, and fear into faith – it will change your situation and your life!
#3. You Can Be A Hero, Dad! Here’s How
What is biblical masculinity? How does it differ from the portrait our cancel culture paints of men? Doug and special guest Paul Cole, President of the Christian Men’s Network, explore the need for godly men with internal strength to again step forward and lead their families well. The fate of every society is determined by the character of its heroes and the strength of its warriors. This episode will equip you to step into that role for your family, your business, your church, and beyond!
#2. Born For More
You were born for more! Pastor Matt Hammersky was serving the Lord in the music field when he felt called to return to his hometown and start a church. Join his conversation with Doug, as he shares about following your calling instead of striving to fulfill your potential. We can give what we have to God and watch Him multiply it into what it’s meant to be!
#1. The Church That Changed A CIty
God uses a pioneering spirit for His Kingdom purposes. In this humor and truth-filled episode, Doug Stringer and Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin discuss how God qualifies those He calls and does amazing things through those who say “yes” to His leading. You will be inspired and equipped as you hear how God changed a city through a group of people who believed enough to obey!
CLICK HERE for a complete list of episodes. Be sure to subscribe and leave a rating!