When children—especially girls—have to shower or take bucket baths outside and use an outhouse or latrine, it can be humiliating and, in some cases, even a safety issue.
But now, thanks to the generosity of our Somebody Cares supporters, over 20 orphan girls at Ebenezer Children’s Home in Siaya County, Kenya, have had their dignity restored!
Over the past 11 years, EmPowered Living International Ministries has been helping Ebenezer Children’s Home with food, medicine, toys, school materials, clothes, a new kitchen, latrines, water containers, and more.
“But we always wanted to bless the girls with private, indoor bathrooms,” said Daniel Gilbert, CEO, who co-founded the ministry with his wife, Mary Beth.
With a generous donation from the Somebody Cares Widow & Orphan Fund, Somebody Cares was able to bless the orphanage by funding this project.
“The girls feel loved and cared for, because of your partnership with us,” Daniel added. “As founder of EmPowered Living, I am so humbled by the generosity of Somebody Cares! You heard about our need and said ‘Yes!’”
When Pastor Paul O’Chieng, theDirector of Ebenezer Children’s Home, heard about this gift to build the bathrooms, he said, with tears in his eyes, “Praise the Lord! We have always longed for and needed indoor facilities for our girls to give them a sense that they are truly loved and not forgotten. Thank you!”
As the new facilities were nearing completion, the Kenya National Orphanage Committee arrived for their annual review. They were flabbergasted with the new bathroom building and its five private showers, four private toilets, and two sinks. All because of Somebody Cares!
“They had never seen an indoor bathroom at an orphanage like this,” Daniel recalled. One committee member asked, “Who would do this for these children?” And the Kenyan director wrote in his final report, “There is not a finer bathroom facility at an orphanage in all of Kenya!”
“To our partners at Somebody Cares, the girls say, ‘Thank you for giving us dignity!’” Daniel said. “And Mary Beth and I say thank you for making this happen!”
The Widow & Orphan Fund was started in conjunction with the Her God Story podcast, hosted by SCA Vice President Jodie Chiricosta.
“As part of the show,” Jodie explains, “we invite listeners to live what they believe.”
James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (NIV)
“In response to this,” Jodie says, “we started this fund to provide for the special needs of orphans as well as
widows in need who have served the Lord alongside their husbands.”
For more information or to contribute to the Widow & Orphan fund, visit www.HerGodStory.com.