As we look towards the New Year, may your heart be filled with expectation and hope. In the midst of global and national challenges and shifts, there is a solid foundation upon which our assurance rests.

Parts of the U.S. are still recovering from this year’s natural disasters including tornadoes and the recent superstorm Sandy devastation.  Many in the U.S. and abroad are concerned about global economic conditions and unrest in some parts of the world. As a ministry, we have purposed to keep our eyes fixed upon the One to whom we turn at all times and in all situations.

For these reasons and more, I’ve never been more confident of our mission. You are a vital part of taking the message of this ministry and putting into action.

In Times of Disaster, You care!

Through our Somebody Cares network of chapters, centers and ministry partners, tangible aid is given in times of crisis as well as on an on-going basis. Individual lives and communities are restored, with renewed hope for their future. That is why Disaster Preparedness and Response remains a core component of ministry outreach. With the increased occurrences of catastrophic events, we are being very intentional in assisting groups and communities to be prepared and ready to respond. For updates on the amazing work we have accomplished through our ministry partners in bringing help, healing and hope, visit our website at

Through your partnership, we are responding in times of crisis.

In Times when people are searching, You care!

You have heard me share about the Who Was Jesus? Evangelism outreach project. The booklet is filled with testimonies of lives impacted by Christ through this ministry. Anyone seeking answers will identify with others who’ve overcome personal adversities through faith.  Evangelism remains another core component of our ministry.  We believe sharing the Good News in the midst of tragedy, personal challenges and global uncertainty is paramount. Regardless of the circumstance, it can be an occasion for our testimony.

From now through Easter we have a strategic season to get these evangelism tools into the hands of individuals and groups for outreach and necessary follow-up.

We are also looking towards expanding community-wide Days of Caring incorporating tangible outreach and compassion evangelism initiatives to share the Gospel in strategic locations.  Already some of our chapters have implemented this type of outreach known as Care Fest and Days of Hope. Other ministries are utilizing these models in their communities. We believe this is the season to make a significant impact in the regions where we are called both in the U.S. and abroad.

Your partnership enables us to take Evangelism outreaches to the next level of impact.

In Times when pastors and leaders need encouragement, You care!

Now more than ever, pastors and leaders need strengthening to endure and run the race. Many are responsible for influencing thousands who look to them for courageous leadership. The weight and burden can be intense at times. Often throughout the year, we are asked to provide input into lives and situations. It is a responsibility that we take very seriously and soberly. Many young ministers are seeking mentoring and wanting to know how to fulfill their calling and to finish well. To that end, we are developing our Leadership Awakening training and materials.

When I personally cannot go to a region, these tools will provide Biblically-based, foundational principles and strategies to stay the course. Leadership Awakening is comprised from decades of practical experience and application. You have heard about impacting society in each of the 7 mountains or spheres of influence. Many at various levels of those 7 spheres have connected with us seeking guidance, encouragement and empowerment. We want to equip them with practical tools, empowering them to fulfill their vision.

Your partnership lifts the arms of many who are impacting communities on a daily basis.

In times when many are looking for reassurance and hope, You care!

We’re each running a race, a marathon. The strength needed to persevere, comes from times of personal study and worship as well as corporate gatherings with fellow Believers. As you enter 2013, I encourage you to press into Christ. As you do, you will receive the refreshing and vision that you need.

There is much to be done in the New Year and we invite you to partner with us.  Please prayerfully consider sowing a special gift into the ministry as 2012 closes; and partnering with us on a monthly basis in 2013. Consider going deeper together, as we broaden and expand the tangible expression and Presence of Christ.

Thank you for joining us to let multitudes know that Somebody Cares and His name is Jesus! May the Joy of the Season give you renewed hope for the New Year. May you and your family experience the Lord’s presence in your lives and may His light shine through you to a world looking for Him!

As always, thank you for caring,

Doug Stringer

Founder and President

P.S. We would be honored to lift you and your family to the Lord. Should you have prayer requests, please feel free to contact our office at (713) 621-1498 or email us: [email protected]

P.S.S. We are making print copies of Living Life Well available for just $6 plus shipping through the end of the year at It’s a great resource to incorporate into your personal devotional time for 2013.