Marlene Yeo had been serving as youth pastor at her church for several years when God changed her course. Everything she had been doing was to build up her local church, with no thought of what God’s Kingdom purpose on a broader scale. “Then,” she says, “God wrecked me.”
Marlene stumbled across a Transformations video that documents various miraculous moves of God around the world and she began to see the bigger plan of God. As she pondered what she had seen, God asked her, “Are you a church person or a Kingdom person?” Stunned, she realized she was no longer satisfied with the status quo. She yearned to see God moving outside the four walls of her church. The Lord quickly connected her with Doug Stringer of Somebody Cares America, and others, to help her define what God was saying. It was no longer “my church, my denomination, my friends.” Instead, she understood, “the Kingdom is His world, His people and His Church!”
God birthed in Marlene’s heart a Kingdom vision for her city to be changed by the power of God. She began mobilizing corporate prayer as well as outreach and evangelistic activities that brought believers together across racial and denominational lines. She also brought them together to serve the needs identified by city officials. In fact, during the COVID shutdowns, Somebody Cares New England, which Marlene founded, was one of only 3 food bank ministries in the region that did not close their doors. Volunteers joined together to serve thousands of people in their community every week with groceries and the love of Jesus. Marlene was also instrumental in launching a youth program in a gang riddled area which gives kids an alternative to gangs and shares with them the love of Jesus.
And the city has taken notice! Where once there was resistance and suspicion, now there is cooperation and favor! Little by little things are changing in her city. People are coming to Christ and growing in their faith as believers come together for His Kingdom purposes.
Read an article about the outreach Marlene coordinated to the Muskogee Nation!
I want to live in the His kingdom, not just church status pro.