Our Guest: Marlene Yeo
Marlene Yeo is the founder and executive director of Somebody Cares New England. She is the pastor of Community Christian Fellowship in Haverhill, MA. Marlene has also founded a ministry of healing and deliverance called He Cares For Me. She has also authored three books and has a fourth one in the works.
Key Thoughts and Scriptures
- As a believer, we go and get the word in our heart and we worship, then we walk through a dark place in our life and all of a sudden we wonder where God is.
Psalm 142 NKJV …No one cares for my soul…
- “I want you to do for others what I’ve done for you.”
Luke 4:18-19 NKJV “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…
- We’re good at proclaiming the Good News, but aren’t as confident in deliverance and healing.
- God walked me through the trauma in my life and as I released and forgave, I got deliverance.
- We’re all called to minister salvation, healing, and deliverance.
- God so loved the world, not just Marlene Yeo, her family, and her church.
- Hedidn’t call me to build His church; He called me to build His kingdom.
“I hear and I obey.” – Dr. David Yonggi Cho
Colossians 1:18 NKJV And He is the head of the body, the church, …
Matthew 16:18 NKJV …On this rock I will build My church…
- It’s no longer “my church, my denomination, my friends”. It’s His world, His people, His church.
Luke 10:1 NKJV After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also…
- The Lord sent me out. The church didn’t send me out.
- “How can I serve you?”
- Jesus was a praying pastor and a people pastor.
No big plan, I just said “Yes”
- We just want to add to what you’re doing in your city.
- “You have the DNA of city transformation.”
Luke 10:4 NKJV Carry neither money bag…
- I had nothing.
- God has given me everything I have today and it’s been miraculous.
Zechariah 4:6 NKJV So he answered and said to me…
- The enemy came in like a flood not only trying to destroy your life, but to literally cancel you out.
Isaiah 59:19 NKJV So shall they fear the name of the Lord…
Job 18:2 NKJV “How long till you put an end to words? Gain understanding, and afterward we will speak.
Job 42:5 NKJV “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.
What Marlene has gone through has revealed who God is to her in a greater measure than she could ever have known if she had never gone through those things.
John 4:1-42 NKJV The Woman at the Well
- I went from the sorrow and sadness of the loss of my son into the joy and rejoicing of what he has now.
- It gave me a different biblical perspective, not just of heaven, but of now.
Ruth 1-4 NKJV Naomi’s story
- We are a carrier of Jesus’ presence.
- The hearts of men and women are not known to us.
- We have to hold onto hope.
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV Train up a child in the way…
- We can keep lifting them up and declaring His promises over them.
2 Timothy 1:12 NKJV For this reason I also suffer these things…
- When you birth a ministry, it’s your life, blood, sweat, and tears.
God always moves us to a new level.
- When God’s grace is on something, you can do above and beyond what you think you could do.
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV But those who wait on the Lord…
2 Chronicles 20:20 NKJV …Believe in the Lord your God…
- Not everyone who prophesies is a true prophet
- True voices to listen to:
- Scripture
- the Holy Spirit
- Your own heart in relation to those
- Many prophets don’t live to see the things that they have prophesied about
- God could have had Jesus live longer. Yet instead He commissioned us with the business of the Kingdom.
- Everything God does is intentional and about restoration and redemption.
Luke 21:26 NKJV Men’s hearts failing them …
- You can rejoice in the middle of the darkness if you have your eyes on the Lord.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NKJV For the weapons of our warfare…
- We need to allow the Holy Spirit to tear down the world’s viewpoints in our thinking and replace them with a Kingdom mentality.
- The warfare is in the head.
- When the head’s sick, the whole body is sick.
- Every thought that comes across our mind needs to be held in the light of truth.
- If it’s not truth, do not receive it.
- It’s hard work having a mind of peace.
3 John 2 NKJV Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things…
- All truth is God’s truth.
Song of Solomon 1:6 NKJV …They made me the keeper of the vineyards, But my own vineyard I have not kept.
- We can be so busy taking care of our cities and our families that we don’t take care of ourselves.
- Not selfishness, not pampering, but taking care of yourself so you can be useful in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Acts 4:13 NIV When they saw the courage of Peter and John…
- Ordinary men that had been with Jesus.
Daniel 11:32b NKJV But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
- Anyone who determines in their heart to know God, He will have them do exploits.
Ephesians 2:10 NIV For we are God’s handiwork…
Fun Facts/Suggestions from Marlene’s story:
- Want to know a bit more about Haverhill, MA? Check out this link.
- Dr. Caroline Leaf
3 videos of heaven:
- Colton’s testimony highlights the reuniting of family in heaven. There is also a movie about Colton’s testimony. “Heaven is for Real” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmNrQ7Smung
- Jesse Duplantis’ testimony on TBN is about God’s mercy and reward for each one of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYPUMmaBUY8
- Pastor Alwyn Matthew – testimony is how God sees the church on earth and the future of the church in heaven. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvqm8ATPKxA
Transformation videos:
- To watch the Youtube Transformation video trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Th6Trn1sc
- To order Transformation Videos: https://www.sentinelgroup.org/store
To order Marlene’s books – [email protected] (CC accepted, Venmo, Square, and checks made out to Marlene J. Yeo)
- Where is God on Tuesday $10 + $3 shipping
- He Cares for Me – $12 + $3 shipping
- He is Looking for a Donkey to Ride into Your City– $15 + $3 shipping
Mending the Net by Doug Stringer
Leadership Awakening by Doug Stringer
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
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