Hellen Chebet was in a desperate situation. As a 53-year-old widow and mother to eight children in rural Kenya, she had no one to turn to for help.

Known in her community as an alcoholic who scrapped by selling illicit alcohol, her life was a mess. It grew worse when her husband left her to marry a second wife and used all the resources they had worked for and saved. Then in 2022, he died after a short illness so any support he had given for their children stopped.

Her alcoholism escalated, and Hellen began neglecting her family. A nearby church was very concerned and recruited her twins girls for a local high school scholarship from Empower Hope, one of our partners with The Widow Project. Hellen says her turning point began at a parents’ meeting where she heard the Gospel. It changed her life, and she has never looked back! Today, Hellen spreads the Gospel wherever she goes and urges other alcoholics to stop drinking and go to church.

She stopped selling alcohol and now runs a small maize business which helps her care for her family. But she still does not earn enough to meet their needs. Hellen had been praying about how to expand and grow. Knowing her struggles, Empower Hope recommended her to us for help through The Widow Project! Because of the generosity of donors like you, Hellen received $100 to add to her maize stock. As she manages the funds well, another $100 will be awarded for additional growth.

When the Empower Hope social worker visited her to give her the news, Hellen could not hide her joy. She stood in disbelief, shedding tears upon receiving the envelope with the money. Recently, she attended a training class offered by Empower Hope for women in business and is now better equipped to run a profitable business. Hellen and her family will never be the same.

The Widow Project is a partnership of Somebody Cares International, Ashes for Beauty, Empower Hope, and the Her God Story podcast. Other widows are also waiting for help. To find out more, check out The Widow Project here!

Thank you for caring!