Dec 20, 2012 | Hidden Posts
As we look towards the New Year, may your heart be filled with expectation and hope. In the midst of global and national challenges and shifts, there is a solid foundation upon which our assurance rests. Parts of the U.S. are still recovering from this year’s natural...
Dec 17, 2012 | SCA Articles, Somebody Cares News
Heroic leadership is marked by self-less, extraordinary courage to do all things with integrity and righteousness. Heroic leaders are those who will not compromise principle for comfort or ease. We celebrate our many partners, extraordinary men and women, who bring...
Dec 13, 2012 | SCA Articles, Somebody Cares News
Even in the midst of the storms of life, there are always moments that encourage us to keep going and persevere, that bring us hope that the storm(s) will eventually break. Because of partners like you, we are providing that hope to many victims of Superstorm Sandy …...
Dec 4, 2012 | SCA Articles, Somebody Cares News
We all know them – Champions of the Faith – who press on toward the calling of God to bring hope, healing and transformation to the lives of others. Somebody Cares is blessed to partner with many of these Champions across the country and around the world. As we...
Nov 28, 2012 | Artículos en Español
Como parte de nuestro Catálogo de Navidad de Honor y Respeto, ¡esta semana estamos destacando el trabajo de muchos Pescadores de Hombres con quienes tenemos el verdadero honor de trabajar y asociarnos! La siguiente historia es de un tal Pescador de Hombres que...